Glossary Item Box
We take quality very seriously. The JobTabs application has been subjected to rigorous testing, both in our own environments and by outside entities hired to test and qualify JobTabs. However, no entity can duplicate all environments on all operating systems such that we can be assured that JobTabs works flawlessly under all circumstances. Therefore, JobTabs has implemented a reporting facility which, with your explicit permission, will report any and all bugs you encounter to our servers. Upon rectifying the problem, we will update the offending code and invite you to update JobTabs so that the problem will not recur. Of course, we will only do this with your permission so we respectfully request you to allow JobTabs to report any and all errors encountered. The error dialog will vary depending on the error, but will generally appear as,
If you honor our request, you will subsequently be offered a dialog to tell us what happened. All fields are optional. If you want to be immediately notified when we fix the error we will at least need an email address. If not, you will receive the update when we issue a blanket notification to the JobTabs community that JobTabs has been updated. At this juncture, what is most important to us is what you were doing when the error occurred. If you can even provide cursory information as to what you were doing when the error occurred it will be very helpful. To send the information to JobTabs, click Connect and diagnose error.
Upon successfully receiving the error report, we will confirm the receipt and let you know if others have reported the error as well. We will also provide resolution information if we are aware of the problem, but it is beyond our control. Examples of this scenario, would be running out of disk space, too many open programs constraining your computer memory, and the like.
© 2005 - 2012 by JobTabs, LLC. All rights reserved.